How to use image effects in a Confluence template?

Charles Hall
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March 18, 2012

Does anyone know how to use one of the new image effects in a page template when using Confluence 4.1?

Defining a page template relies on old fashioned wiki markup, so I'm fine inserting the image. I've tried the following markup, but the effects are ignored.

!my image.jpg|effects=border-simple,blur-border,tape!



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Atlassian Team
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March 30, 2012

It's not possible to use Image Effects with wiki markup. We need to allow the use of the new editor to create page templates. There's an existing issue for this which you can track here. We hope to ship this in a future release.

In the interim here's a workaround:

1) Create a new page and restrict editing to yourself – this page will become ytour page template

2) Add all the content you wish to be in the template to this page, including the image with an effect

3) Save the page

4) Click on the tools menu

5) Right click on the menu item – Copy – and select 'Copy Link Address'

6) On another page create a link with an alias like 'Create a new <template name> page', using the link you just copied

When users click on this link Confluence will copy the page (template) you created in steps 1 to 3.

Hope that helps.

Michael Zahendra
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August 29, 2018

@Matt Hodges

Answer no longer valid. Current workflow GUI does not contain "Copy Link Address"

Please remove from current Community and/or link to correct workflow GUI answer. 



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