Happy Wednesday Everyone! Many of you know that I do a lot of charity work for my local children’s hospital throughout the year (speaking of which I will be there for a Radiothon event to...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! If you haven’t checked out the Community-Led Classes, you really should. These are courses that are taught by your fellow Atlassian Community experts. It’s worth...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! There are a ton of events happening all around the world. From, official events like Team Tour: Government & Connect: High Velocity to Community events like ...
My wife and I picked up a few things for our kids to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday. While we were deciding what to get for the kids we started chatting about our favorite items from when we wer...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I took over making these posts back on Dec. 16th, 2020. The original purpose of these posts was to welcome all the new members that have decided to take the first step and...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I have previously talked about how I’m not one for “big new years resolutions“. But, I am in favor of smaller, measurable, personal goals. I think having small m...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! This has been a "hot" topic as of recently that everyone I have been speaking to recently is talking about. For where I live, it's freezing. There are places t...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! In about 30 minutes from now, I will be completing my next Atlassian Certification! I saw an article last week in the Training & Certification collection, that...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! It's been a while since I did one of these, the holiday season has ended. For some, the holidays are a rough time, for others early January when the hype from the ho...
Happy Wednesday New Year Everyone! I hate New Year’s Resolutions, I know I’ve mentioned this in the past and I still feel that the standard things people fall back on are goals that are too large t...
Happy Wednesday Merry Christmas Everyone! A tradition in our house, is to leave milk and cookies out for Santa. The kids always love helping to put a plate and glass of milk out with the excitement...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! We did one of these last year around Christmas time and I found the story extremely funny, so I thought we’d do it again! For anyone new, I will start with the first line ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! In case you missed it, registration for Team '25 opened yesterday! A couple of exciting things about this: First, it will NOT be in Vegas! This coming year will ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! In case you missed the official announcement, Designations are now LIVE! What does this mean? If you previously held or were looking to earn the title of “Atlassian Certif...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Are you aware of Kudos? That’s Atlassian’s gamification system here in the online community. You can access it from the menu in the top right corner next to your profile i...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I work with some exceptionally funny people. An "argument" broke out (and by that I mean a series of memes were posted) in a non-work channel about when Hal...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Personally, I think it’s always important to continue to learn new things. It doesn’t always have to ben with the goal of monetary gain, but just to keep your mind active ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! We all started our community journeys at different times for different reasons, and I thought it might be fun to have everyone share how they got started. For those ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! This coming weekend I will be taking part in a 24 hour charity event. Unlike some of the past years where I have run everything by myself at home. This year I’m joining th...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Team '24 Europe is happening right now! If you are there in person I hope you are having a wonderful time! Unfortunately, I am unable to attend this one, I only get approv...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! On the weekend, I took my son to see the new movie “The Wild Robot“. It was a really cute movie and we both really enjoyed watching it. This gave me a great idea for the q...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I’m sorry I’m missed posting this the past couple of weeks. I think this is the first time in the three years since I started doing these posts weekly. Over the past few w...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! It feels like only yesterday that I made the post about “school being out for summer“. What happened? Where did the time go? Borrowing from Throwback Thursday, I remember ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! In case you were unaware, Scott Farquhar’s last day at Atlassian is only a couple of days away. Since I know the community is something very precious to both Mike & Sc...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Honestly, trying to come up with a unique (and hopefully engaging) topic every single week can be challenging at times. That’s why you will see me reuse some topics form t...
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