Managing the comment box is important on Mobile app of Trello, and that is why it must be comfortable. That is why I propose a suggestion to improve the visual aspect of this option, in addition to ...
I created a wallboard with few gadget but it will not show together in wallboard even there is till have space in my wallboard, how to make my wallboard not so empty, the 3 gadget is just keep c...
After we updated Jira Data Center a few months back, we noticed that our wallboard slideshows switched to dark mode. For years they displayed in light mode. For wallboards, dark mode is difficult t... Everyone on our Jira board is experiencing the problem, even the admin is facing the same issue. Kindly provide a solution for this is...
Dear All Does anyone know if it is possible to give external Jira users from another company a dedicated access to a specific wallboard/dashboard without buying extra licenses or publishing these wallboard...
Hello all, I need to display the configured wallboard on my office screens I haven't found a way to customize the wall board. This is what I am having issues with: The background color is b...
How can users access/view my wallboard via the link?
A ideia é termos uma smart TV exibindo um quadro em tempo real, apenas para fim de visualização. Caso não haja aplicativo, é possível acessar o Trello pelo navegador da smart TV?
Hello Everyone, Does anyone else experience, that the filters set for the agile wallboard gadget are just ignored? Does anyone have a workaround? Any Ideas on what i could be doing w...
We have a SMART TV with wallboard turned on almost 12h per day, we configure TV to Turn on and turn off in fixed hours and automaticaly open browser and call jira wallboard URL, but every day we r...
I'm trying to incorparate a Jira Kanbanboard in my confluence page using the Agile Wallboard Gadget. It works as expected exept for the defined quickfilters. They show up in the edit dialog but d...
We are on Jira Cloud. We are working on a stats wallboard and I would like to know if it's possible to create a report and exclude the graph? I have been playing around and can't figure a...
When I click on the options ANY of my dashboards, select "View as Wallboard", the browser then only displays a blank screen.
Hi! I'm not sure, but it looks like a bug. In JIRA Cloud the background color was changed to a kind of blue. How can I fix it (back to black)? It looks really ugly now. Regards, ST
Hello Guys, I have created a JIRA Dashboard to report on some key metrics from service desk. The dashboard works fine alongside the wallboard and slideshow. However, I am now trying to get t...
Hi There Jira and Confluence are connected, As well as there is the Basic URl in Confluence -> gadget feed implemented. But the Agile Wallboard Gadget does not show up in the makro b...
...hilst avoiding problem 1. We can't make the wallboards completely public as some other community threads are proposing. Wallboards seem like quite a nice thing to use for an agency like us but we can't f...
Agile Wallboard Gadget not working on our Samsung TV, Jira Version : Atlassian Jira (v8.3.0#803001-sha1:679cb7f) It's just show blank widget and don't have edit button neither. I tried on C...
Only really noticed this week (April 15th) that the background color for wallboards has changed from black(#00000) to royal blue (#273447). To my knowledge we haven't changed anything and it now m...
Hi I'm Jira Administrator at my company and I want to display a bunch of boards using the agile wallboard gadget. However not all boards which I created/ have access to are appearing in the s...
Hi, we are using JIRA Server (Software). In some of our dashboards we added the "Agile Wallboard Gadget". It works so far. But since in the Kanbanboard behind this gadget got an announcement like t...
I've created a dashboard to show the task types for each project in our team but for some reason when I run it as a wall board the names of the projects aren't displayed with the query result which g...
Hello All, One of our teams wants to set up a public dashboard that they can use to display a simple view of their Kanban board on a wallboard in the department. They've created a dashboard, and h...
I am trying to set up a wallboard for my team using a Raspberry Pi. I have the device up and running in kiosk mode, my problem now is how to get it to display the wallboard as it is no longer p...
Hi, I'm currently creating a Jira Wallboard to show on a display for my team, but i can't find out where i can show the whole team's open issues. I tried the Agile Wallboard Gadget to show our t...
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