Tempo and ScriptRunner are teaming up for a webinar on Wednesday, February 19th at 10am ET to help you revolutionize your integration strategy. With the average organization using more than 3...
Hi, Atlassian Community! As 2024 floats toward its final stretch, I’m thrilled to invite you to a special session where we’ll dive into planning strategies that will keep all your ducks in a row (ev...
Tempo recently launched tons of new training courses and enablement materials for partners, and now we need your input! 🤓 We're hosting a webinar on Thursday, December 5th at 11am ET for any c...
...everage Tempo’s Strategic Roadmaps and Structure across different teams and companies to give everyone the clarity they need to stay aligned and make informed decisions. And let me tell y...
I had the below inquiry today from a co-worker and I can't seem to find anything useful regarding this topic, is there a way to log time to a resolved issue without having to re-open it for a limited...
Dear Atlassian Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities into the Timesheets feature of Tempo s...
Teams that love Jira but get frustrated by disorganized data often turn to Structure by Tempo to bring order to the chaos. With Structure, you can visualize multiple Jira projects, programs, and p...
Hello Atlassian! 👋 Quick update from Tempo for companies scaling agile across their orgs. We know some enterprise software solutions can be expensive, time-consuming, and promise you t...
...eatures and releases. However, we are all on the same Atlassian Cloud instance and we all use Tempo for time tracking. Request I am looking for recommendations (or links to suggestions) on the best w...
Hello, When we use the JCMA, we can export the projects, the Tempo Accounts, the Teams and all the other settings. However, the worklogs in the issues are not imported with the J...
Hi, My time sheet is not working and showing the message ' Oops, looks like you found a dead link.
Hello Team, I want to copy the Team value which is a locked field in Jira from the EPic (Parent) to all its child issues through project automation Thanks!
Необходимо настроить утверждения в темпо по табелям руководителю. Вопрос, как это сделать ? Возможно ли передать права утверждения?
...evenue based information, release progress, Sprint data, Tempo Time logging data etc. Does anyone else use this connector and have observations or report ideas that could be useful at all? I...
Tenho o seguinte senário no Jira: Atualmente trabalho com 30 times cadastrados e com diversos desenvolvedores em cada time e nas aprovações de horas temos um único analista responsável por cada time...
How we can generate a report where we can get the list of all members who logged total hours more than 8 hours for any particular task?
Roadmunk is looking for a Sr. Full Stack developer to join our team, Our engineering team values customer centricity, trust, transparency, team work, accountability, curiosity and continuous learning...
Hi, After a lot of trying I come to you. I want to create an atlassian-connect plugin for Jira Cloud which requires using Tempo's Rest API in order to retrieve account information and especially m...
I am new to tempo.. We have Tempo Timesheets add-on. I have configured tempo Accounts along with customers, categories and Also configured the price table for team roles. Even after f...
We have Team Leads with around 5 team members. Team leads needs to monitor the Time Logs of their team members. https://wefivesoft.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10013 Above is t...
At the service company Alty, we have found Tempo Timesheets to be great for logging employees' work and using the approved timesheets as the basis for invoicing our customers. We've been using Tempo...
I noticed that recently the time labels on the left side of the Tempo Calendar View do not align with full hours in the calendar table, eg.: This confuses and frankly annoys me, because I tend t...
Hey everyone, how do you guys handle your reports? Especially with informations like user roles. We are using Tempo for our time tracking and also generate reports out of it. Unfortunately it is n...
...ffort is logged in the story. When I group by component in tempo time report, component group by shows only for story that does not have a subtask against grouping by component for both the stories
This is a social survey. It is addressed to all Jira clients who bought as well an application. When I upgraded (and paid) from 25 Jira users to 50 Jira users, I have been obliged to pay an additiona...
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