Hi, i have a project in which I have several kanban boards. I just created one new scrum board and created a few new epics (in To Do status), but they aren't appearing in the backlog list. I c...
Hello, I am working in a company managed project. My teammates are not able to move tasks from To Do to In Progress but can directly move to Done. What could be the issue.
Hi! I want automate a same action when sprint starts in differents scrum boards, but automation allow select just one board, so I ask to the comunity how would I create a trigger thats works for d...
Hello team, hope you're doing well today! I need help with a Scrum project. We would like to be able to se the “DONE" tickets even if they are in a non active sprint. We for example have a s...
...oards. I have some Jira boards (Kanban and Scrum) as Team-Managed projects. In some cases, the appearance of the boards looks like this: The 'Options Panel' is on top of the board but when I c...
We have gov cloud Jira enterprise. Hello! Looking for some guidance on an automation rule that will zero story points out when a ticket is moved to the cancelled status. Th...
Hello, I have a service management project, many software projects, and a scrum project with a "master" kanban board that displays issues from my software projects that are added to the sprint c...
project A (DEV) and B (CONF) both have agile boards with separate sprint management. a ticket from project A has been mistakengly associated to a sprint of project B. the sprint from proj...
I need an Automation that labels a story if it gets injected into an active sprint. The following is the structure of my backlog section : Backlog Sprint 1 -> Active Sprint (S...
Currently I see only Epics and Versions panels in the Scrum board Is it possible to add more panels? It looks like it is kind of a filter for the board. How can I link Epics to Feature (or vice v...
In Advanced Planning under Teams -> Team settings I can set the Planning style to Scrum and Sprint length. These values do not effect the Sprint length of the project that is the Issue source. W...
Hello everyone, i'm trying to set up a personal jira project with a scrum board, i created the epic and assigned it as parent to the tasks, but when I go in backlog section, i can't see the epic p...
Every time I try to create a new board I get the popup message "The Jira server was contacted but has returned an error response. We are unsure of the result of this operation." Is th...
Hi All Once a Jira Project has been created with a scrum board, can we replace it with Kanban Board, e.g., Current Board type = Scrum New Board type = Kanban while keeping all the r...
Hi All Once a Jira Project has been created with a scrum board, can we replace it with Kanban Board, e.g., Current Board type = Scrum New Board type = Kanban while keeping all the r...
Hello, Please find the image attached. Here under testing category I see 2 issues being displayed. But actually in the sprint board I just see 1 issue. Please let me know why is this
Hello All, Please let me know what is the purpose of linking the issues. I have linked 2 issues and when I comment in one of the issues I thought it should appear in the other issue as well. But it ...
Hello All, I have a doubt about the statuses. There are 3 kind of status TO DO, PROGRESS and DONE. No matter how many cards we create we have to map them to one of these status. So suppose I create ...
Hello All, I am stuck with an issues and would need some suggestions. I am currently managing 3 different boards (company-managed). 1. Main Development Board (Scrum) 2. Backend Board (Scrum) 3....
Hello,I am a beginner learning to use Jira. When I used Team-managed and create a scrum templet project, I can't see the 'create board' option in ··· on the top right. Why is there no create board o...
Hello All, I have created 2 projects basically 1 is main board and another one is for backend team. Whatever is entered on main board and when assigned to members in backend the issue must also be s...
...n story points as explained in SAFe. But there is no way in Jira we can capture the Capacity for Scrum Team in terms of Story point, and they plan your sprint backlog and commit to it in Jira on Scrum B...
Hi Expets, We are working on a joint project with another partner company that also uses JIRA Cloud. We would like to connect our tasks via a joint SCRUM Board. Our JIRA's are two seperate i...
...rganisational stuff and Scrum board for our work packages. When I was setting up the project, there was a problem with these two boards not allowing me to distribute issues between the kanban and scrum, so I c...
Looking for inspiration for setting a criteria for what work should be deemed an "epic". I'm thinking if a work item meets 3/4 of this criteria, it should be an epic? Any thoughts on this? What crite...
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