I am trying to pull a report for the field of "AMS Tracking time" on a weekly basis. I only want to run it for one project with the main issue and the "Open" child issues.
...o write this as its not a default report however I've had no Joy. - I have also read other forums trying to attempt similar reports to mine but to be told that this is not possible without a plugin/m...
I know this problem/bug was reported years back, but Im seeing this behavior and I wish there was a way to fix it?! I've assigned a Fix Version release number (EET- H1-2025) across numerous epics and...
Can I generate a email/file report containing my data from JIRA using a custom report so I can import that data into MS ACCESS? If so, how? For instance, I want to export all active JIRA Requir...
...ashboard, I have a requirement from the stakeholders to have a tiny chart for Kanban cumulative workflow embedded in Dashboard rather than opening JIRA Reports separately, the burndown chart of scrum i...
Although jira has very useful reports to measure the productivity of a sprint, I did not find and could not configure dashboards to visualize how productive a user is. I would like to be able to s...
We have a Jira Software Project and also utilize Dashboards and Confluence Reports. I've been asked to find out if I can create progress reports that show percentage of work completed? For e...
Hi, I just checked some stuff around reports in our system and noticed, that BurnUpCharts looked odd. So I have some questions: 1. I think this is more of a"Bug": If I want to get a BurnUpChart u...
Hello, I'd like to generate the Recently Created Issues Report using SQL in Postgres and visualize it in a 3rd party BI. Well, I learned that SQL is not the best way but is there a chance? Wh...
Hello Atlassian Community, In the Dashboards , is there a way to expand the "Other" by default? Best wishes and happy holidays!
I would like to report on issues that were not completed and moved to another sprint. I know I can open reports of past sprints where I can see issues that were completed and those t...
If I have a look a the Jira Velocity Report I do see the completed and commited Storypoints per Sprint, but I don't see the average velocity which helps me to get an impression of the speed of my Tea...
I would like to generate a report with a graphical representation just like the status review pie chart on the summary page , which shows the status of the issues assigned to one team member. ...
Hey Team, My organization and I were experiencing issues exporting a filter from Jira to Excel. It happens that when we export to Excel, after dividing the text into columns to organize it, after ...
Hi - As an overview, I am standardizing some reports for a group that has 12 Product Lines. Each Product Line has 10-15 teams under it, each working on a scrum framework. The Product Lines u...
Hi all, I am learning how to use Jira and want to practise making reports. When I click on reports in my Scrum project, I only get the following options. I do not get any reports relating to I...
Can anyone help? Very new to EazyBI. I have a report set to show specific approvers as part of the workflow transition. On the ticket, I can see the approvers for the specific transitions...
Hello all; I'm still a newbie, so me gentle. As a Product Manager for mulble modules, I need the abiliyt to creaste multiple Jira or How-to parent pages, and create related child reports. E...
Hi! I have a dashboard with a bunch of charts and one of them is using the Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard Free app. I need help to configure the selected period to gather data....
What happens if you close a ticket as DONE by mistake, COMPLETE the sprint, and then realise your ticket wasn't done so you reset it as IN PROGRESS? What seems to happen is that the velocity chart f...
There feels like there should be a solution to this problem in how I filter the Page Properties Report but I can't find it. I have a Page Properties Report pulling pages using the standard DACI temp...
Hi, We are using the components feature to define different parts of our software and architecture. The main outcome we want to achieve is to monitor estimates vs actuals against these compon...
...n a software project - a Created vs Resolved report type exists, but you cannot add additional filter series sets. I'd like to create two kinds of reports in some software projects: * A line g...
We had a contractor in who created a number of reports in Jira Insight. The reports had not been shared, and once the AD Account was disabled and removed, we lost access to the reports. Is t...
Within a service desk project, a default report is the "Requests resolved" report - which includes the exact kind of chart that I'd like to add to a dashboard. (created, resolved, & deflected). ...
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