How many parallel steps of cypress can I have within a pipeline? I have a problem running more than two. I have a standard account.
...rray obtained from Lookup Issues. Both alternatives encountered the same key issue: Jira Automation branches execute in parallel, resulting in random orders instead of maintaining the original s...
...tep: name: "Git Tag" <<: *git_tag - parallel : fail-fast: true steps: - step: <<: *security name: "S...
We have our pipelines to run our webdriverio tests in a docker container. It works when run serially but after configuring our tests in general through the wdio conf to run tests single or multi-thre...
...een able to find a method to run the emulators in the background. I've tried: Starting processes in the background using '&' Terminal multiplexers like tmux Bitbucket offers parallel steps (Parallel...
For example I have a deploy step and a test step in my pipeline. If I run them in parallel and a test fails, but deploy finishes faster, will the deploy already be done even though the tests f...
We have a large business process with complex logic in our company. In many places, such as post-functions, listeners, etc., the content of the same page in the confluence is updated. The page is up...
Dear hero's! I've got a question related to what happens once you enable the Parallel Sprints option: I am in a Company managed Project so great; I can enable the parallel o...
...roject: Parallel Sprint Company managed project is ON Attempted to fix this by reading Atlassian support documentation/community, still it is not working. Please help.
Hi all, I have a question regarding memory allocation for parallel steps. Our setup looks like this: definitions: steps: - step: &one name: "Step one" i...
...t in parallel. What I am trying to accomplish Have pipeline config for more than one "build-push" job to trigger on push to a branch Retain the ability to parallelize our scripts This shows e...
Im struggling with using steps to persist information/state. I had assumed the parallel steps inherit their container from the previous step. This is correct, I can not get it to work. If this, i...
In a Runner setup the following steps don't run in parallel. One will run and the other is queued. pipelines: custom: c...
Hi guys, I have this part of my pipeline: # omitted pipelines: pull-requests: '**': - parallel: # this point # omitted Is it possible to run parallel tests on this part? The p...
Is there not a way to declare how many machines get used for a step? I have setup parallel steps. However, I need a way to declare how many machines to use in that step so my integration tests can b...
I would like to know if there is a way to configure bitbucket pipelines to run parallel sets of consecutive steps? something like: parallel: consecutive: -step &n...
Hi all, I know how to lock a plan to run on only one agent so it will never run in parallel. However, I prefer to let my plan run on multiple agents but not in parallel. Wondering if there is a w...
...NV1 > TaskQA1 > TaskQA1 QA-ENV2 > TaskQA2> TaskQA2 Here is what I am trying to do . I want to deploy to QA-ENV1 and QA-ENV2 Environments parallelly . And within e...
as it is shown in the picture below the form will be submitted via portal by student to the admin, and after confirmation , i want admin to be able to send the ticket to library, accommodation and im...
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