Hi, Community! Effective incident management is crucial for minimizing downtime and ensuring quick resolution. Automating incident communications in Slack and Microsoft Teams can significantly stre...
Hi, Developer Community! We're excited to announce an important update regarding our product offering: Microsoft Teams for Jira Server is now Microsoft Teams for Jira Data Center. Wh...
Connectors in Microsoft Teams deliver content and service updates directly from third-party services into a Teams channel. The purpose of Jira Server Connector in Microsoft Teams is to send updates ...
Teams Workflows provides a seamless way to automate tasks, integrate with various services, and improve team collaboration. This guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring a smooth transition...
Microsoft is deprecating the Office 365 connectors feature from Microsoft Teams. All existing connectors within all clouds will continue to work until December 2025, however using connectors bey...
Keeping you informed is our priority. In this article, we're excited to share a brief rundown of two significant updates to our Subscriber Notifications feature on Statuspage. Adding to that, we'll b...
This article will provide a simple guide for how to format the Opsgenie alert content when it is passed to the Microsoft Teams integration side. This article will cover three formatting examples: ...
After careful evaluation, we have decided to deprecate the Bitbucket App for Microsoft Teams due to low usage and adoption. At Atlassian, our mission is to enhance team collaboration, streamline fo...
Embed Confluence Pages in Your Favorite Tools Hello Confluence Community! I’m Julien on the product partnerships team at Atlassian focused on bringing integrations to Confluence Cloud. We’re excite...
※本記事は、Tori Stittが2023年4月4日に公開した英語記事「The evolution of Halp into Jira Service Management Cloud」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 アトラシアンは2020年に、サービスリクエストを扱うための世界最高レベルのネイティブなメッセージ機能を備えたアプリを継続的...
In 2020, Atlassian acquired Halp to continue building the world’s best messaging-native app for handling service requests. Over the past few years, we’ve seen Halp evolve while continuing to focus on...
Hello everybody, this is the story of yasoon's customer 'Pflege im Quadrat' (Care Squared). Luckily we were able to learn how they implemented their enterprise service management in the care s...
Hello Community!, If you are looking for the ways how to notify your team about Jira tickets updates in Microsoft Teams - Channel notifications feature of Jira Cloud application by Atlassian is fo...
...bsp; Find the details here: https://www.atlassian.com/blog/state-of-teams
Hello Community!, To make your experience with Jira Cloud application even better, we want to introduce to a new feature that is available now! Please meet the Quick Actions and...
Microsoft Teams などのアプリ連携時に以下のような「管理者の承認が必要」というメッセージが表示され、連携を完了できない場合があります。 この場合、アプリ連携の許可に関する Microsoft 側の設定に不足があることが考えられます。恐れ入りますが、貴社の管理者にて下記いずれかの対応をお試しいただけますと幸いです。 方法1: (参照: Receiving AADSTS...
If you use infrastructure as a code with Bamboo and using Java or YAML Bamboo specs, you can configure Microsoft Teams build tasks and notifiers directly in the code. For this you need to use Microso...
Recently we have added changes to Microsoft Teams for Jira Server that can affect user experience a bit. But don't worry it should be even better now. Create issue screen If you try to create ...
TL;DR: Paid cloud accounts can now request early access to try Jira Service Management’s new incident management integration for Microsoft Teams below. Hey Atlassian Community! We’re excited t...
👋 Hey Team, I’m Tygrr a Product Manager for the Confluence Cloud for Microsoft Teams app. Last August, we launched a new Confluence for Microsoft Teams app, and I’m excited to announce that ...
👋 Well, hello there! My name is Britta and I am a Marketing Manager at yasoon. As Atlassian Platinum Marketplace Partner from Germany we are excited to be part of the upcoming PM 72 summit! 📅&nbs...
At Atlassian, we take great pride in the software we ship, and even greater pride in the success our customers achieve when they use our products. #JiraHeroes is our new monthly spotlight series ...
Have you missed mentions or important events on the Jira issue created or watched by you? You don't have to miss those event and, on top of that, you don't need to receive too many notifications ...
Well hello there, dear Atlassian community! We're all in for seamless integrations and smooth collaboration. That's why we released new features for Microsoft Teams in combination with Jira. 🆕 M...
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we’re sharing the “love story” between Jira Cloud and MS Teams through the lens of one of the best romantic comedies. We even have the juicy details about t...
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