During the setup of confluence data center in a kubernetes cluster in azure via the helm chart, I get the following error : Caused by: com.atlassian.secrets.api.SecretServiceException: Error a...
...onfluence-cluster network: port: 5701 publicAddress: confluence.cfcon.local tcpIp: enabled: true members: - confluence-0.confluence.default.svc.cluster.local - confluence-1.confluence.default.svc...
We have implemented our Jira environment but our users are experiencing very low performance on most of actions (create issue, transitioning, etc). Let me share with you or infraestructure details: ...
Hello Atlassian Community, I'm working on a project where we want to install Jira Data Center on a Kubernetes Cluster. My problem is that I'm stuck on some concepts that I t...
I have an IAM account in my root AWS Account. This then assumes roles in various other accounts to perform deployment actions, dev, test, shared etc When pushing the ECR image to a shared...
Situation is this: A Jira SM and confluence (data center) instance has been running on AWS EKS utilizing AWS RDS for a DB and EFS as persistent volumes for both JSM and the Confluence as shared-home...
...gents that we want to know: 1 - ¿It is possible to use a current AWS ECS engine in our AWS account as a Kubernetes cluster in where Ephemereal Agents and pods could be mount? 2 - ¿How much will it c...
Hi All, I am new to bitbucket pipelines and have some foundational questions. My understanding is that bitbucket pipelines is part of bitbucket cloud (hosted service) and can't be i...
I am getting a validation error when trying to the aws-eks-kubectl-run:2.8.0 pipe even when setting the disable_validation flag to true: Pipe: - pipe: atlassian/aws-eks-kub...
We are utilizing the Runner Autoscaler for Kubernetes in GKE to execute our pipelines. However, we encounter an issue when the runners attempt to clone the repository: fatal: unable to access 'h...
This is a guide on how to start Jira using Kubernetes: Prerequisites: Download and Install Kubernetes, here we will use Minikube. for the scripts used in this demo please refer to: h...
Hello, I'm trying to install and test Bitbucket helm chart on a k8s cluster hosted on a VM on our DataCenter. I have followed all the steps from the installation page but i skipped th...
I'm deploying Jira DC in AKS environment. The fact is that my ScriptRunner Scripts and functions (like copyProject) is running ok when I deploy only one node - CopyProject takes about 4 mins - but wh...
Hi Team, Getting the following error while accessing JIRA URL after successfully testing the database connection: Also, getting the following WARNING in jira logs many a times: 2024-07...
Since Jira 9.11 attachments could be stored in S3 Bucket instead of the filesystem. The current helm charts on artifacthub supports 9.12.11 Based on this two versions I don't see any ...
Hello :-) If I adjust the database URL in values.yaml and sync it to Kubernets, the configuration (database URL) in confluence.cfg.xml does not change. Now there is the parameter "forceConfigUpdate"...
Hey everyone, we are playing around with atlassian compass and the bitbucket integration. We try to get the DORA Metrics for our components, but are wondering how to achieve them completely?...
Hi all! I'm traying to instantiate my eks (with fargate) cluster to deploy bitbucket autoscaler following this guide, but when i issue the apply command seems that one of needed pod won't ...
Hi, Using the chart https://atlassian.github.io/data-center-helm-charts/userguide/PREREQUISITES/ I would like to use only local storage and not the shared storage. If this is possible can you...
Hello Team, I am working on migrating jira running on an EC2 to k8s using this chart https://github.com/atlassian/data-center-helm-charts/tree/main/src/main/charts/jira I have set the ...
...ommon.sh: line 108: kubelogin: command not found helm ver v3.5.4 helm cmd upgrade ...and later... Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "https://clusterUrl": getting credentials: exec: e...
Hello, Can you add support for non-interactive login with your pipe script of azure-aks-helm-deploy by variable AZURE_LOGIN_NON_INTERACTIVE as in azure-aks-deploy Thank you for any kind o...
I can't for the life of me find any example or way of setting the subscription ID using the aks pipe integration. It uses an arbitrary default which causes the command to fail at the moment.
I have configured a bitbucket.yaml pipeline where I have passed the kube_token to authenticate and deployed the build image into EKS cluster. This happens EKS cluster with public endpoint. Where as I...
I am trying to use a self hosted runner to deploy application changes to a kuberentes cluster. The runner is the linux docker runner running inside of a kuberentes cluster. This was accomplished usi...
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