...on't make any sense inside an AWS EKS cluster. So, the next step is to connect an AWS IAM service with a Kubernetes service account. You can allow IAM principals to access Kubernetes objects on y...
...hanks to change detection improvements. Save with Ephemeral kubernetes agents Ephemeral agents are a new type of agents that run inside a Kubernetes cluster, perform their necessary tasks, then expire....
We are pleased to announce the latest release of Atlassian DC Helm Charts 1.14.0. This update introduces several valuable features and enhancements to elevate your Kubernetes deployments. Let's e...
Hello, Data Center Community! As part of our plans for continued investments in deployment on Kubernetes environments, we are excited to share that Data Center Helm Charts now officially supports C...
...ecurity of your Kubernetes environments. To sign our Helm charts, we used GPG key and the helm package --sign command during packaging. The signed charts now have a .prov file generated alongside t...
In a microk8s kubernetes implementation of Jira Data Center, I was receiving cluster replication failure errors (Index replication for cluster node jira-data-center-0 is behind by 14000 &n...
...pgrade the helm charts following our documentation. If you haven't tried the Data Center products in Kubernetes and you want to give them a spin, you can follow our installation instructions.
Hi Community~ We are constantly improving our Data Center Helm charts, and here we bring version 1.2.0 for all supported products! Below you can find a list of features and changes. Features and ...
Hi, If you are running self-managed environments and looking to adopt modern infrastructure, Bamboo Data Center can now be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. By leveraging Kubernetes, you can e...
...ersonal favorites: Containers vs. Virtual Machines (VMs): What’s the Difference? Kubernetes Documentation What is Kubernetes? What is Kubernetes? Borg: The P...
...or safety reasons supports native configurations for deployment in Kubernetes free and open-source has an optional paid technical support Sure enough you came across some of these requirements in y...
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