Is it better to build FAQ hubs using native Confluence features or third party apps? This is a question I often get asked during product demos. My answer often depends on a variety of factors: your s...
Analytics data is vital to maximizing business efficiency. It helps you understand what content resonates most with your team and identifies areas where knowledge gaps exist. Using data insights to ...
Hello all, I'm wondering if it's possible to connect all of the articles we have written to the Knowledge Base within JSM. I tried using Zapier, but it appears to be too task driven...
Hello there! In a recent poll, we asked our community about their biggest challenges with Confluence navigation. Here's what they said: Disorganized content: 50% of respondents said finding inform...
Finding information in Confluence can be a real struggle. Our latest blog post provides practical tips for transforming your Confluence space into an easy-to-use knowledge base: How to Use Conf...
Hello, Atlassian Community! I'm Daniel, Product Marketing Manager at Kolekti (part of The Adaptavist Group), and I’m very excited to announce the release of our latest app, Guided Pathways f...
How can we use our content in Confluence, PDFs and diagrams as source materials for an AI Knowledge Graph Assistant that finds connections and suggests them to the user for inclusion in an organizati...
Hi there, I'm a Product Manager @ Kolekti (Part of The Adaptavist Group) and we're currently exploring the content creation and management space. I'm looking to speak with users who are cr...
Hello all! I am currently in the process of re-evaluating our knowledge base. We have first set this up with Refined but are finding it increasingly difficult to provide the best possible service t...
Hi everyone, I am business analysts team lead in an insurance company in Turkey. We are dealing with claims applications for our company. We are tracking sdlc via agile/waterfall methodologie...
I'm reaching out to the Atlassian community for some insights or success stories. Here's the situation: I'm an IT manager at an organization that has a rather unwieldy Confluence instance....
Oi pessoal! É uma enquete. Respondam na real, por favor! 😉 (nos comentários) Queria saber se vocês acompanhariam, se existisse, uma página listando os artigos de KB recentemente atuali...
Hi again guys, As I'm working on a Confluence Knowledge Base the final launch is approaching quickly. I am supposed to present the new platform to my department (40~ people) that currently don't kn...
This is the 26th of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem. There are many reasons why you should use both of the Atlassian tools together - ...
Olá pessoal! Os plugins/add-ons/Apps do Jira gravam dados em tabelas do tipo Active Objects (AO). Mesmo o Jira Software (antigo GreenHopper) e o Service Desk — que nasceram como add-ons — ...
Hi, I am gathering information about how the Atlassian community share knowledge. Are you one of those great community members? What is best way of sharing knowledge? This site? blogpost? Books? F...
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