In IT Service Management (ITSM), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is a key factor that directly impacts service improvement strategies and overall business success. It measures how satisfied custome...
Hi Community, We are excited to present Assets Discovery 7.0.0 In this release, you'll find new improvements and features: Enhanced Agent Management Now, you can seamlessly manage your age...
Don’t let your important migration details get lost. Use this template to keep everyone in the loop as you move to Jira Service Management Cloud (and save yourself time* in the process!). *...
Hi! 👋 I just wanted to share 5 rules on how SMART agents should work, that I believe can make a massive change on your CSAT score. Stop editing customers' tickets when they make a mistak...
...echnology and personal connection that keeps customers happy. Read more in common help desk problems and solutions article on our blog. Automating customer service in Jira Service M...
When your customers make a mistake in a ticket, what happens? They call agents. When customers don’t know where a ticket is, what happens? They call agents. When customers want to escalate tickets,...
Problem The self-service approach is what we value and try to implement with our apps. Allowing customers to escalate Jira tickets helps us to deliver top-notch customer support and to speed up ...
...bout “CMDB”, or “Jira CMDB”, and wonder what it’s all about, you’re in for a treat. In this blog, we’re going to unravel the mystery of Jira CMDB step by step. We’ll start with the basics, breaking d...
Take Control of Your Data! At Actonic, your data privacy and trust are our top priorities, and we believe you should have the final say. That's why we're proud to announce our latest function of...
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of every successful company. Satisfied customers are loyal, recommend the company to others, and thus contribute to long-term growth. But are your custo...
IT service management, often referred to as ITSM, is simply how IT teams manage the end-to-end delivery of IT services to customers. The incident management and problem management are core ITSM ...
Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of agile software development with Time Between Statuses? Buckle up because we're exploring a game-changing factor that can skyrocket your tea...
When a business grows rapidly sometimes simple things like contracts management become real pain. You can forget about notice period, or miss renewal date and then you face consequences. ...
Despite lower IT workloads, cost savings, and greater agility, when it comes to Cloud there are still some myths surrounding performance, data management, security, compliance, and more. And these ar...
When it comes to handling files in Jira, the standard Jira attachment fields can sometimes be limiting for teams with growing projects and increasing complexity. To address these challenges and enh...
Hi everyone, I’m Annie Lieu, a Product Manager focused on building integrated Confluence Cloud experiences across Atlassian’s products to help you work better together. Today, I am happy to annou...
Atlassian has published a new security advisory today 1st of February 2023. CVE-2023-22501 is a critical security advisory that affects Jira Service Management Server and Data Center. The following ...
よくあるお問い合わせ Q. カスタマーポータルの画面において、リクエストした課題を “すべてのステータス” で表示すれば一覧表示されますが、 ”クローズされたリクエスト” や “未解決のリクエスト” で絞り込むと表示されません。ワークフローはカスタムされたものを利用しています。 解決策・回答 A. 下記のいずれかの原因が考えられます。つきましては、上から順...
よくあるお問い合わせ Q.Jira Service Management(JSM)で社内での問い合わせの対応を社内ポータルとして活用しているが、カスタマースキームとJira通知スキームが二重管理となってしまっています。なにか改善策はありますでしょうか。 Q.下記のドキュメント内に社内向け内部サービスプロジェクトでは、 “カスタマースキームの無効化が推奨” とされていますが、なぜ推奨されて...
よくあるお問い合わせ 内容を間違えたまま起票されることをなくしたいので、 Jira Service Management のポータル上でチケットを起票する際に入力チェック(バリデーション)を行いたい。 解決策 大変恐縮ですが、 Jira Service Management の標準機能では提供されておりませんが、 3rd party から提...
Requirements This article is for JSM Data Center with ScriptRunner. You will need scripting experience. Background When I first tried to update the Customer Request Type (CRT) field with a scri...
Hi Folks 👋 As you may have heard, Atlassian Server products are coming to their End of Life in February 2024. We are gradually seeing more and more organizations start to consider their optio...
Hello Community members! I'm Melissa, a member of Atlassian's ITSM Product Marketing team with an exciting opportunity for you to share your Jira Service Management story. We are loo...
Atlassian has published security advisory CVE-2022-26136, CVE-2022-26137 today, 20 JULY 2022. This advisory is in regards to and affects the Servlet Filter Dispatcher in multiple Server and Datacente...
Hello Community! Jira Service Management has had quite the journey over the years and I am excited to share that we recently hit a new milestone, Jira Service Management Data Center 5.0! This release...
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