ello everyone I'm facing up an issue on Confluence. I created a page "Top Navigation" with an excerpt macro. In which, there are other macros: Excerpt Panel Section column divbox image ...
Hello all, I'm migrating our Marketing group over from Robohead to Jira. We've got pretty much everything aligned for them to transition over to Jira. A tool I'm missing in our workflow is the abili...
We have disabled Add+Delete permissions for Anonymous users in our Space settings still the Anon users are able to add Inline comments on Pages within the space. How can we disable this? ...
I have two questions and would be happy if someone is able to answer it. 1. What does the following properties mean? "inlineProperties": { "originalSelection": "dog", "markerRe...
Hi, Only teh first 250 inline comments per page are highlighted. The others are only in editor mode or in the android app visible. BTW: Adding a new inline comment is over some seconds ...
Hi, everyone. Tell me pls. Why my script not changed the status of inline comments? import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.PageManager import com...
Hello Community members! We have an upcoming research study for Confluence and we’d like to invite you to provide advice and answer questions. We’re developing a new experience for Inline Comment...
I'm trying to comment on a code snippet, but the option is greyed out. I can do in-line comments on text but not on the actual code snippet/block. Thank you!
Hi all, I need to know how can I track the inline comments where I'm tagged and unsolved. Therefore I won't miss one. Have you any ideas? Best regards, Richard
When adding an inline comment, the dialog box appears so far to the right, that the close-windows button is hidden behind the vertical scrollbar of the window: I first have to scroll right to re...
In our use case tasks added to a meeting notes page are being actively discussed by users through inline comment threads. After collecting these tasks with a task report macro we would like to have a...
how can i see / open all the inline comments in a page?
The documentation says we should be able to Inline — Click the Add a comment to this line button next to the line. But I'm not seeing that button since we swi...
When trying to review a Confluence page, where my comment should show up i get a notice that my comment can't be added as an inline comment and it will be added at the bottom of the page. This makes ...
Had a great time last evening, presentation was great and yes - I now know how to do IN-LINE comments. I know more about the back-end than i do the front-end of Confluence, but I am planning to...
Hello all, I ran into this problem: When I add text to a page, after which I put a strikethrough style, and only then repaint it, for example, turn green to add inline comments on this gap of text....
We have recently moved from specification documents (confluence) to user stories (in JIRA). Confluence has a feature to add inline comments but JIRA have overall ticket comments. It is really g...
Hello! We can't edit or delete first inline comments on conluence pages, because in the pop-up window of comment is no button "Menu" (...) with these actions. But editing...
Hello, Can anyone explain why inline comment writing is available on the parent pages of a particular Confluence space... but from its child pages, inline commenting is unavailable?...
Hi guys! For some reason, Inline Comments counter displays the incorrect quantity of comments. (see attached screenshots) Does anyone know how to fix it?
I've used following API to comment inline on specific commit. I can see message symbol on commits, but when i click on commit i cant see comment message. curl https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositor...
Hi there, I know... I can reopen the comment and delete it afterwards. This unfortunately doesn't work if the text on which the comment has been created was deleted. Then it looks like thi...
We use Confluence for storing techinal documents which undergoes a review process. The reviewers are supposed to add the category of review comments for tracking. The reviewers are supposed to add [...
Hello Atlassian Community, I am managing texts / writers with confluence. When i receive a text from a writer, i make inline comments on the page to tell him what to modify. The pr...
My users are trying to use inline comments on images. The option appears and they are able to fill in the field, but the comment doesn't save. They can save inline comments for selected text. I haven...
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