Hello everyone! I'm Rene from Atlassian Cloud Support. I noticed that although our bug tracker jira.atlassian.com is well known by most people, we do not have any single place where it is pos...
Nowadays, organizations rely on effective tools to streamline their workflows and ensure successful project completion. Jira, a popular project management software, has gained significant tract...
In today's fast-paced project management environments, having accurate and actionable insights is crucial for managers. We are introducing a new "Histogram" feature for Time Between Statuses to addre...
Welcome to the world of data-driven decision-making! In software development, understanding and optimizing the time it takes for status transitions is paramount to success. This article ...
Jira Query Language (JQL) is widely used to search for information about Time in Status in Jira. Сustomets utilize JQL queries to gain insights into issue lifecycles, track progress, and optimize wor...
Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of agile software development with Time Between Statuses? Buckle up because we're exploring a game-changing factor that can skyrocket your tea...
As more and more organizations embrace agile methodologies to manage their projects, Jira has become the go-to tool for many teams. With its robust set of features, Jira allows teams to plan, track, ...
Dealing with multiple tasks and plans and ensuring that team members finish their work within the given time can be challenging task. However, to address this challenge, it is essential to establish ...
Have you ever wondered how to get all the users within your organization and their last activity date from your cloud environment? Think no further because these APIs already exist. However, most adm...
...zure AD sync is finished. Here's the General Announcement community blogpost: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Enterprise-articles/Azure-AD-for-nested-groups-is-now-generally-available/b...
Atlassian Cloud では アイデンティティ・プロバイダー (IdP) と連携して、ユーザーが シングルサインオン (SSO) することが可能です。 ■ FAQ - よくある質問 下記2つのシナリオでの挙動の違いを紹介します。 フォームにメールアドレスを入力したとき 各種 IdP のボタンを押したとき これらを Micr...
What's changing? Many customers have asked for a new role to allow them more flexibility when delegating administrative permissions to manage users. To address this, we're excited to introduce the ...
When it comes to writing code, we all know how important it is to write maintainable, clean, and bug-free code. And while talking about bug-free code, the first name that comes to mind is SonarQube. ...
A lot of solutions are available when we start automating stuff. Experimenting with Atlassian’s API on various things that can be done has made room for endless possibilities. If you’re an organizati...
Jenkins manages and controls software delivery processes throughout the entire lifecycle, including build, document, test, package, stage, deployment, static code analysis, and much more. To ...
Hello Access Community! Here is the compilation of the how-to video tutorials that cover Atlassian Access features and how to set them up: [Video] How to verify your domain [Video] How to set...
Recently one of our clients migrated from Server to Cloud and activated Atlassian Access (AA) as part of their Cloud migration. They were surprised to find that included in their AA license count wer...
Trying to gain more visibility into your organization? Setting up Atlassian Access? Follow along as we demo step-by-step how to verify your domain so you can start centrally managing your Atlassian...
Atlassian Cloud has become very popular in the last couple of years. Atlassian Cloud offers very competitive pricing, especially for small user-tier applications. You can check out our article to see...
“Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” - Edward Snow...
...rovisioning Resources to dive into new features covered in the webinar Authentication policies - product guide | support docs | blog Automatic product discovery - product guide | s...
Hi Atlassian Community, This is Narmada Jayasankar, and I am a Principal Product Manager on the Atlassian Access team. I’m excited to announce the rollout of multiple authentication policies! The f...
Based on your valuable feedback, we have released several new features to help you gain administrative flexibility with authentication policies, visibility into shadow IT with automatic product disco...
次のドキュメントをご覧ください。 ID プロバイダーまたは G Suite からのユーザーとグループの同期方法
次のドキュメントをご覧ください。 組織のユーザーのシングル サインオンを構成する
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