Have you configured this add-on successfully? Any tips for configuration on either the Confluence side or the Salesforce side? Any pros, cons, usage tips? Thanks!
I'm using (and loving) the atlassian cloud products, I'd like to use the Eclipse plugin for JIRA but see is not available for JIRA on the atlassian cloud. Any plans to make this available?...
Hi. Thank you for Atlassian Connector for Visual Studio v1.3.12. It seems installing this extension breaks the C# outline 2013 extension. https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/6c3c5dec-15...
Anyone else have this problem with the eclipse JIRA connector? !ENTRY org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core 4 0 2015-03-25 14:15:57.197 !MESSAGE Synchronization failed !STACK 0 java.lang.NullPoint...
I am currently evaluating Atlassian products, and I was wondering about the IDE connector. Part of the tam using IDEA based IDE's like WebStorm or PyCharm. Will these work fine with the Atlassian IDE...
I have installed the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA in my IDEA Ultimate 13.1.6. Jumping from Fisheye to IDEA works as intended. However, that unfortunately that is about th...
I use the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA. I used to just click "start work" on an issue in the Atlassian/JIRA Tab to start working on it. Now when I click on it, nothing happens. I recently s...
When I try to use the Eclipse Atlassian Connector plugin, I get "Client response status: 403. Captcha might be required. Please try to log in via browser." That is somewhat expected because I have an...
I have properly installed the Atlassian Connector into WebStorm (IntelliJ IDE). Using the default login, I was able to connect it to our Bamboo, Jira, and Crucible. In the toolbar, howev...
Have integrated Eclipse Luna (4.4.1) with latest version of JIRA and can see the Issues in my task list but no matter what Issue I select, they are all blank. Can open with web browser and see t...
I'm trying to integrate my Netbeans IDE (v7.4) with the Cloud version of JIRA (https://dosalcubo.atlassian.net/) but I couldn't. This is the message error: Invalid Username or Password that i r...
I have installed the Atlassian Connector plugin in IDEA and I am trying to connect to our Jira server but getting this message: serverName: java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: /jira/rpc/so...
Hi, In my (french) company, I use the Mylyn Atlassian connector in Eclipse to manage JIRA issue. It works (very very) fine, except for "Start Work" function (=> transition) when duedate is requi...
Hello, Server is v6.0.8#6109-sha1:57cf099 IDE connector is Atlassian JIRA Connector (Recommended) 3.2.2.v20130909 com.atlassian.connector.eclipse.jira.feature.group Atlassian Eclip...
I'm using IntelliJ 13.1.1 with Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDE version 3.0.13 The filter query builder is nice but I'm using JIRA Agile and the query builder doesn't express a bunch of things ...
Hello, I can't find source codes of IDE connector for Visual Studio. I can't login to studio.atlassian.comand didn't found any special instructions about it. Can you point me to it repository if ...
That is a KB question. When I activate JIRA task in Eclipse/Mylyn, change files and try to commit the changes, the commit dialog is not populated with JIRA issue info.
Hi, this is a feature request. I'd like the IntelliJ atlassian connector to be extended to create a feature branch (git) by right-clicking an issue. Like we have a "Create Branch" button on an issue ...
Hi, I am using IntelliJ 12 with the Atlassian Connector and JIRA 6. I am trying to work in a task-oriented way as you would with Mylyn on Eclipse. I have noticed that the Task-functions in the At...
Hi, when I use the Atlassian window of the Visual Studio connector and select any sprint in the Agile filter I will get all issues of the selected sprint. It is possible to apply some additional fi...
Often when I try to log work against a JIRA issue after a long period of not having interacted with the connector, an attempted connection to JIRA will time out and the connector will block UI for th...
They are missing from Atlassian.com, are they gonna be deprecated? If not, it would be nice to review the Products page and see that there aren't any missing products in there.
I've just upgraded to PyCharm 3.0 and now I get an error when starting or stopping work on an issue: update failed for AnAction with ID=ThePlugin.ActiveTaskBar.ActiveIssueBox: Please use KeymapUtil...
The connector is trying to connect with my outdated Login credentials, because my credentials are changing every 6 weeks. It is trying to log in more than three times, so my account is locked everyti...
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