Greetings Atlassian Community! My team has decided to move away from Jira Group-based projects to role-based ones. The name of the task: "Migrate all Jira projects from group-based permissi...
...o limit workflow transitions for specific issue types. Id also like to leverage teams / groups.. Let me know please
...oing the reminders / pinging.. Id love to have the same groups / teams in a group chat that gets notified of the task and have a link to it and or be able to move the task to the next status through MS T...
Hi, I'm planning to migrate Jira from Data Center to the Cloud with a Enterprise-license. My question is about the Groups in the Atlassian Administration during a migration to the Cloud (J...
...ave a group assigned only for the customers login's so that they can only see our knowledge base and nothing else. But to give them access, we have to migrate the account and then assign the groups t...
We are migrating spaces from a source Confluence Data Center instance (via backup) to a target instance (via restore). However, we have noticed that individual users and groups associated with t...
Hi team, I would like to setup roles and group configurations but I think I am a little confused. I am trying to have external people only able to work in the project that they are assi...
...odify a Team and have those changes reflect in Groups. The changes they want to see in Groups are... - The Group name should be the same as the Team name. - The Group members should also be t...
...ervice desk users and 10 jira software users: I am trying to figure out where the 32 and 38 listed users come from and see exact details. The number of users in the rest groups are correct b...
I see a new Jira field called Groups is recently introduced. I tried to create automation rule where a group can be added automatically based on component whenever a new ticket is created but I am u...
We have a collaborator who needs to edit the workflows of a specific project. After doing some research, I saw that I need to grant admin access to the entire site, but I don't want to grant admin ac...
Hi team, I need to give a group read access to all repos in a workspace. How can I do that ?
I`ve installed JSM on my Jira v.9.12.10, and wanted to add Groups custom field to tickets, but i cannot choose any of my existing groups in this field. Is there some additional c...
Hello! Do you know any ways (API or plugins) how to get in which JQL filters/board subfilters the group has been used?
Once you add users to a group and assign the group to a project role in a permission scheme, and then assign the permission scheme to a project, the users are supposed to have access to the project. ...
I added a user to a group (which has the "Team members" role) and additionally added him with the role “Delivery Manager“ via the People > Add button. Somehow, he ended up in the jira-users group ...
I am the Jira System Admin for my sector of the company. We currently, to my knowledge, do not use groups to section off different orgs. I think most folks are in a general pool, then admins, and c...
Hello all! Trying to write a JQL query for a filter that will be linked to a dashboard. It needs to pull all tickets created by any user who is in my department. The dashboard will require multiple f...
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