I have structure I created that is grouped by the Fix Version. I'd like to add a column that displays the Fix Version Release date for the group, but my formula will only show the release date for th...
...real status in our workflow); Revert the FixVersion to the one it had before the release. Note that our tickets have multiple versions in FixVersion (e.g. 9.30.001, 9.31.005, 9.32.002), so I only w...
...tatus in our workflow); Revert the FixVersion to the one it had before the release. Note that our tickets have multiple versions in FixVersion (e.g. 9.30.001, 9.31.005, 9.32.002), so I only want the v...
...ur workflow); Revert the FixVersion to the one it had before the release. Note that our tickets have multiple versions in FixVersion (e.g. 9.30.001, 9.31.005, 9.32.002), so I only want the version c...
Hi, I'm looking for JQL to filter epics which have a certain fixversion tagged to the stories or tasks inside the epics. For Example, if my Epic id is ABCD-123 and it has stories l...
We are using fixVersions as Delivery Notes towards a platform team. Multiple teams are creating these delivery notes/fixVersions. Can we somehow indicate the status of these fixVersions.&n...
Hey, the trickiest automation I've seen till now ... Could help? There is UberEpic issuetype which has linked Epics. Epics get fixVersions for quarters: DUN YYYY QX eg. "DUN 2024 Q1", "DUN 2...
Hi Team, we have usually release, unreleased & Archive version available in release section. we have "fix version" field in Jira, but while creating new jira card under fix version dropdow...
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