my "email to board" email address includes a + sign. That address is not acceptable to my email provider - if I remove the + sign, the email is accepted... Can I edit the email address...
I'm looking for a way to find cards with matching Description and delete duplicates. Currently I can only find a way to find cards with matching Title. Background: We have a board with "email t...
My email-to-board functionality technically works, but every time there is a link embedded in the text of the email, it doesn't make it to the card!! Is there a way to make sure links survive the ema...
Hello, I have a problem with one of my users, when he sends something to a board with Email to Board, no new card is created. Instead, the content of the email loads into an existing card, which has...
Hi, The email to board option is not there for me, ive cleared cache, logged out and in, tried chrome and safari, still not there. I signed up about an hour ago. Any ideas why its missing? ...
Hello! Does anyone know how to shorten the "email to board" email address from Trello?
Hi, i'm trying to setup email to board feature. I love the idea to follow up on the trello board the activity that start from email. question is that you need to play with each individ...
Hi everyone, I just discovered that trello boards have a unique email address so you email the board and it automatically pops up in the column of your choosing. The only issue is that it doesn't sh...
We implemented mimecast a couple weeks ago (it's terrible don't use it) and ever since then our users have been unable to 'email to board' for their Trello boards. I really want to blame mimecast bu...
Is it possible to to have the email-to-card configuration automatically create cards that are templates?
Hello, I currently have a Butler rule to do the following that saves us all a couple steps when we set up cards: when a card is added to the board by anyone, add member @{username} to the car...
We have a contact address and we would like each email we receive on that address to be automatically forwarded to our Trello board. I already set the forwarding email address to be the email address...
I'm setting up an 'email to board' functionality from my company's CRM (DealCloud) to Trello. We have a form in our CRM that someone fills out when they want a project completed, and once they've com...
We are trying to see if there is a native way within Trello to restrict "Email-to-Board" to only a certain subset of users or AD domain? For example: Only users/email addresses that are from&nb...
Hi all, is anyone else having trouble with their email to board/list in Trello? I was using one email address in multiple locations to hit a specific board/list. About 4 days ago all emails to that a...
I currently have cards being generated via a google script, but at the moment it is only using my own email-to-board address. This means it looks like all the cards are generated by me when it could ...
Hello Trello Community! Earlier today I started a Trello board for managing my email inbox, and started forwarding emails into it, using hashtags in the subject line to place the new cards in the ri...
Its about the awesome email 2 board functionality. Kudos for this! For some cards I need to have a checklist in them. Is it posible to create them from the email? An idea to achive this is to exten...
When someone replies to the email which was sent to trello through email-to-board settings, it creates a fresh card. PFA the screen shot. Can we have a setting under email-to-board, where all s...
I have set up my application to forward certain events to my trello board via Email-to-board. I wanted to Subscribe to the list so that Trello would notify me when this occurs, but since the Email-t...
One of our team is missing "Email-to-board" from his settings No one else in the team is having this problem. What does he need to do? Thanks Chris
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