so i have a script that creates and ec2 instance configures it as an elastic agent creates the AMI now i want create an elastic agent via that AMI with a API call is this doable v...
...elevant packages in there. The next step is to configure the bamboo agent piece. I am following this documentation:
Hello, We're hoping to deploy Confluence Data Centre on Amazon's Elastic Container Service. There are several benefits to this, including the use of Fargate. Upon development of a proof of c...
Pipeline version: atlassian/aws-elasticbeanstalk-deploy:1.0.0 Using version 1.0.0 of the pipeline results in error when trying to publish to an elastic beanstalk which is of type worker e...
...nvironments'][0]['CNAME'] KeyError: 'CNAME' This most likely happens because this particular environment is a worker with no public URL.
Is there any REST API endpoint to manage elastic agent capabilities? Basically, I'm looking for a way to clone an elastic image configuration via rest API, I can see the API endpoint to r...
I was able to get the re:Solution SSOSAML plugin to work with our ADFS, an AWS ELB [Elastic Load Balancer], and Jira [Jira, Confluence, and Jira Service Desk]. However, when we introduced the WAP r...
How to work with xpack.notifcation.jira in Elasic cloud ?
Hi, everyone! We use atlassian/aws-elasticbeanstalk-deploy:0.3.1 to deploy our Node.js application. During bitbucket's pipeline elasticbeanstalk's environment often (but not always) becomes "r...
I am trying to connect bitbucket to elasticsearch to ingest commit logs. Any ideas on how do to this?
Is there a way to configure the elastic agent to use the file to list its capabilities? I see as I tail the logs after starting the agent using the /opt/bamboo-elastic...
Hi Atlassian Gurus! Per our previous question re elastic bamboo AWS security groups We seek to understand where you can edit the default deployment config for the 'elasticbamboo' security group s...
We're finally starting to use Elastic Bamboo after having used a single monolithic Bamboo host for a long time. Most of our Bamboo jobs are amenable to being run under Elastic Bamboo but some are n...
We've run into an interesting conundrum with using Elastic Agents. We have two elastic images, one Linux, one Windows. Both images have a base set of capabilities in common (Maven versions, J...
Hi there, We have recently implemented using an EFS volume for all our elastic a...
In my Elastic image I have defined a Capability called: hostname with Capability type: Executable. I have add this Capability to my build plan. I have configure a requirements rule under the tab: R...
I want to execute some script on the ec2 instance(Created by elestic beanstalk) from the bitbucket-pipeline.yml, how to execute such script on the instance. Refer the bitbucket-pipeline.yml : image...
Bamboo launches an elastic-docker-container, instead of launching an elastic-instance It would be great to have this idea implemented in future. Because the containers launch too fast as compared t...
...IP from AWS API for some reason. Is there any way to force bamboo server using VPC addresses to connect elastic agents instead of public ones?
The stock ubuntu image for Elastic Bamboo (ami-b1dd37d1) is using on old version of the AWS CLI (aws-cli/1.7.0 Python/3.4.3+ Linux/4.2.0-34-generic). What is the best way to update this tool? S...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Creating a custom elastic image I am trying to find an AMI or Elastic Image that is Amazon Linux or Centos that is HVM. It seems all the s...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Configuring Elastic Bamboo How do I control which subnets my Elastic Bamboo instance is started in?
We are having issues connecting to the Bamboo elastic agent. For some reason it is just stuck on pending and won't connect. We've tried running Bamboo on Ubuntu 14.04, using almost entirely d...
Hello, Whenever I start a new elastic instance in bamboo, the instance does run but its agent's state remains pending. Then when I try to establish an ssh connexion to the instance with the p...
If I want to set up a build job that run tests using the PHPUnit task, and if those tests include mysql database tests, I need a MySql capability, needn't I ? But it still not in the list of provided...
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