Hello Atlassian community world! Francis here from New Zealand. I’m looking to pivot to cloud engineering and or DevOps or SRE roles but I don’t have any experience with cloud and software e...
🚨 Calling All Incident Management Experts! 🚨 Are you deeply involved in your organization's Incident Management process, whether as a hands-on responder or a key stakeholder? Your unique insights ...
Hello Atlassian Community 👋🏻 We all know that a productive workday starts with a good routine. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, we all have to find a way to structure our da...
...roject settings to begin exploring the DevOps possibilities for your teams. This page now focus on tool discovery, allowing administrators to find and connect integrations that extend Jira and c...
I'm Padmakshi, and I'm excited to join this Jira group! As a DevOps Engineer I look forward to collaborating with all of you to streamline our project management processes and drive efficiency in o...
Hello everyone, I'm Padmakshi and I'm thrilled to join this Confluence Whiteboards discussion as a DevOps Engineer! With a background in software development and system administration, I've d...
敏捷和 DevOps 是一種軟件開發與 IT 運帷相結合的文化與實踐,旨在縮短軟件開發週期、提高交付速度和質量,通過集成各種工具和自動化流程,為團隊創造一個高效、協作的開發環境。 而 Atlassian Open DevOps 方案讓團隊專注於構建和運行軟件,可以自動集成 Atlassian 以及合作夥伴工具,也可以保持現有工具,提供即插即用的 DevOps 實施方案,支持自定義和擴展,實現自...
敏捷和 DevOps 是一種軟件開發與 IT 運帷相結合的文化與實踐,旨在縮短軟件開發週期、提高交付速度和質量,通過集成各種工具和自動化流程,為團隊創造一個高效、協作的開發環境。 而 Atlassian Open DevOps 方案讓團隊專注於構建和運行軟件,可以自動集成 Atlassian 以及合作夥伴工具,也可以保持現有工具,提供即插即用的 DevOps 實施方案,支持自定義和擴展,實現自...
In the tech sector, DevOps is more than just a catchphrase. It first appeared to be a passing trend. Instead, it solidified its position as a crucial component of software development. It h...
Are you managing software development projects in Jira? Hosting source code and builds in Microsoft Azure DevOps? Tired of jumping between tools to see whether you can merge a pull request? Want t...
Hello everyone. I'm newbie.
This influx of articles has made it apparent there are a number of different views of what DevOps actually is. I think it would be interesting to garner the view of anyone who cares to read this as t...
...ersions For more information check this Link -Processes & Standards #AtlassianCreator #devops-story #MyAtlassianBag #AutomationSauce
Incident Management & Customer Support Jira Service Management & Jira Software Add Issue on Transition for Jira Cloud | Atlassian Marketplace - Free Tool As soon As a ticket is ...
...onfiguration can be updated from the magic file (compass.yml file is in the root of the Bitbucket repository) and best of all, it can be done by any DevOps and can be fully automated in the rest of t...
It's very good initiative to explore new way to provide the information and use the Atlassian tools to do better in Devops Jira is important part in Devops cycle to track the progress in t...
Has anyone gotten this to work? We tried setting it up in our Automation, but it doesn't assign the ticket properly, I'm assuming because it's having trouble linking the GitHub user to the JIRA user?
Atlassian puts out a lot of effort into providing information that will help us be successful in using their applications. I have found a number of great DevOps resources but wanted to see if t...
Working in implementing software releases via Jira's Release Hub, and it's looking good so far.
Integrating your CI/CD tools with Jira Software is one of the easiest things you can do to get more value out of Jira Software for free, whether you’re using Bitbucket Pipelines, GitHub, GitLab, Jenk...
...etwork, systems, cloud infrastructure and DevOps area since 2018 and have been using Atlassian products including Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence since then. Am setting up my company's new Atlassian i...
...age, making it easier to find among other Atlassian Open DevOps solutions! Integrate your error management with automatic Jira Software issue creation Errors inbox is an error-tracking solution t...
Does anyone know, difference between "build" and "deploy" in Bamboo? I refer to the detail: what does build consider and what does Bamboo deploy if we talk about expiration? Best Regards L...
...if? Do you have a hobby or something you enjoy when not working? What is your favorite Marketplace apps and integrations for DevOps? 💙 We appreciate you sharing your time a...
Hi, Can someone help me on solving the issue of getting too many 429 errors on bitbucket APIs? 'Rate limit for this resource has been exceeded' I'm only calling the APIs around 5-6 max from ...
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