Hi, Startup Founders -- Would anyone be interested in doing Demo Days where we could show what we've been working on and get feedback from each other? I was thinking this would a great way to: C...
...e public when the software is officially released into the marketplace. This would just mean a 45 minute demo and a short survey for you to take. If you're interested, please comment on this post or e...
If you've ever wondered about granting non-licensed customers more permissions on the Customer Portal, then this is for you! On March 14th, we're hosting a free online demo of the Actions for JSM a...
Hola a todos, Si bien lo venimos planeando hace ya un tiempo, recién puedo hacer un espacio en la agenda para poder anunciar nuestro webinar por acá. El 13 de Octubre vamos a estar brindando ...
Hi all! I (and the entire ZigiWave team) would like to invite you all to participate in our live demo - "How to Integrate Jira and ServiceNow in 5 Minutes". In this webinar, we'll show how easy it i...
Questions? Want to see a demo of the Atlassian tools? Add a comment below or Send us an email
...ou use to train your users on confluence? I recently discovered the built in "Welcome to Confluence" in the Demonstration Space. Looks like it maybe helpful, but you have to manually restore t...
...K+ employees) who could do a 15-20 minute demo of what they've set up. I'd be happy to reciprocate with a demo of what we're doing for agile development with JIRA Software. Thanks in advance! Renee
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