Is there a way to determine if a comment on an attachment is resolved? Inline comments can be determined with "expand=extensions.resolution", however there does not appear to be a similar endpoint f...
Todos os dias, marco pessoas nos comentários em diversos cartões e quadros no Trello, utilizando o @nomedapessoa. Tem algum atalho ou forma de localizar esses comentários posteriormente, pesqui...
The default behavior excludes the comment option, and since there is no option to add a comment after a version is published the ability to do so is lost forever (for that page version) if people f...
...verload. Now, when i mirror a card to their board, they can no longer comment as they are not a member of the 'master board' where the card originates. Is there a solution? I need them to a...
I am looking to create an automation rule which counts all the comments on a story that have a matching expression in them and input the total number into a field in JIRA .Can anybody help me with t...
I see this floating comment box has been added recently and it is really annoying Not only does it take up real estate on the page when 90% of the time I am interested in the ticket c...
Hello! When I write a comment and move the words to the next line using shift+enter, I have a large gap between them, tell me how to fix this?
I'm trying to post a comment to a specific "alert" in Jira Service Management (JSM) via a POST request, but I'm encountering an issue where the comment is being posted to the Jira issue instead of t...
Hi. I have created a rule that captures the last comment made in a subtask when the subtask transitions to Further Information Required. The subtask comment is always updated when this transition o...
When I am moving a JIRA ticket from one project to another, I would want the comments also to be moved along with the links attached to the ticket. However, the links are getting moved but the comment...
I often need to look up some information in the middle of typing a comment. It is too easy to click a link to go and find that information. When I come back to the task the first part comment is g...
Hi, in my automation, I loop through the comments of an issue using the smart value {{issue.comments.distinct}}. I want to edit the current comment. What do I put into Comment s...
Hey there, I was resolving some comments on my shared whiteboard and noticed that others could see the resolved comments that I had previously worked on. I’d like to delete the resolved comment...
We currently use Adobe Acrobat Standard DC to add comments (text) to pdfs and save. We then attach pdf to jira issue for documentation. When we click on the attachment for viewing in j...
Hello Atlassian Community! I am experiencing an issue with incoming emails from our customers. Specifically: Some emails are added as internal comments, even though our permission scheme does n...
I have an issue with Jira tickets in Slack. when trying to click the comment button it won't work and it only loads then nothing happens but the buttons such as comment, assign, or transition work r...
Hey I make automation that everytime when you mention some user in the comment he become the watcher also. But the problem that is worked just when you tag only one user, if I tag multiple users i...
...o run only on Public Comments. Use of the new feature breaks this. Why do restricted Internal Notes not meet the criteria of {{comment.internal}}?
When we resolve a ticket in Jira Service Management, it automatically pops up a window where we have to select a resolution and can add a comment. The part, where the possibility to add a comment i...
At some point over the past week, something on Jira has changed to where tables in comments are no longer displaying correctly. The column widths are huge, and there is no way to resize them; they s...
Good morning, I am trying to understand why a comment written from Outlook email does not appear in the issue that the user created on the portal. It's ok when she enters the comment in t...
I'm looking for a way I can search PR comments to find a discussion. A few of our senior developers were discussing how we might introduce SccsID-like tagging in our source code so we c...
...orking on resolving your ticket {{issue.key}} because we <b>need your collaboration</b>: <i>{{issue.comments.last.body}}</i> I have a ticket where the last body comment m...
...ummary ~"\"{{triggerIssue.summary}}\"" Current flow of the Automation works perfectly, see attached screenshot 1 (labelled SS1). Problem: I have a comment action in place but I would like it to d...
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