I can no longer click on the date/deadline to see whether the deadline has been exceeded or met. Who else has this "bug"? There used to be a box that I could click on and it would jump from "re...
Can we track a level deeper than a card? i.e. Can we make tasks in a checklist into cards that nest under a parent card? Or can we group cards in some way (other than labels, which feel too broad, or...
...uestion - I don't see a checkbox function? So I assume there isn't one correct? -- and no I'm not speaking about the Checklist option. That's irrelevant to my question fyi. Thanks MD
Hi Community, I have created a Custom Checkbox field with multiple options and three custom fields: Text(Single-Line). The Checkbox field contains three options: Alpha, Beta, Gamma Based on t...
...xcept I can't get the checkbox field to update correctly. It doesnt tick the actual checkbox, just remains un-checked. I have tried with both smart values without success: {{t...
Hello, I woud like to add a check box to title of the page confluence like below : When i use []+space, it doesn't work for titles, Thanks a lot for your help, Best Regards ...
Hello, one of my colleagues noticed, that previously when you go to Issues and search for any issue, there was build-in first column. Is was checkbox for selection. Now it is gone and we could not f...
Hi, We are creating a template where we want to add multiple choice answers. Is there any functionality in Confluence that would provide a check box for multiple choice answers without it be...
...lmost all requested fields to the new issue with the exception of checkbox fields. We've had this same workflow in place for years and it's always copied all fields including checkbox fields without i...
Dear community, is it possible to make a change to the ConfiForms Field Definition for Checkbox Group Validation in order to receive additional message on your form? In Detail: I use a very l...
Hello, The current project has users creating checkboxs for their plans of action. Each checkbox should have a date within the text. I am looking to do 2 things. 1. Create a search to find all u...
I am creating checkbox custom field. And, it is not letting me add any items to it ! And there is no example that shows how to do it. Case is : Sales team raises POC requests to us with d...
...lso tried creating checkboxes custom field. It is not letting me add any items to it ! And there is no example that shows how to do it.
I made a request like this based on the here answer, but the checkbox is not displayed correctly in Confluence. curl --request PUT \ --url "https://$domain/wiki/api/v2/pages/$p...
...reating a button or using the 'Amazing Fields' add on to create a check box, but you still have to go into the card itself to check it. The goal would be to have a checkbox and then w...
Hi All, Is there a way to use JIRA automation to create multiple JIRA issues based on items checked off on a checkboxes custom field? ie) Task-Checkbox (custom field) &n...
Confluence Server/Data Center Is there a way to identify status via Table Transformer SQL? For example, it would be great if this would work: IF Table Cell with checkbox...
Hello everyone, I want to ask a question about adding a checkbox column using SQL. After adding a checkbox column and updating the page, when I click on the checkbox, all rows are checked. H...
I have a checkbox field with 3 checkbox values, and I want to check two of them in a post transition action. I'd rather not use automation. I tried to enter the two values in a post a...
I got placed in a new position to carry out an old admin. Im trying to understand how it was originally implemented, but the past admin had a checkbox on our form where if a user selects 1 box or m...
Hi there, I'd like to update a checkbox custom field via automation in a parent issue like this: The Checkbox custom field in the parent contains 4 options: Approval A is set Approval B i...
Hi. i'm trying to update a few checkboxes without sucess. I'm stuck here: { "fields":{ "customfield_13304": [{"value": "Yes" },&n...
Hello all, Would it be possible to have checkboxes on our cards? It would be very practical. See the example below. Sorry if the question has already been asked, I'm not an advanced user. T...
I have checkboxes that have a few values : value1 value2 value3 other now, how to make a condition, if the user choose "other" value, the user must fill another field (free text field, to d...
I was using the DACI template in Confluence and noticed that when Approvers tick the checkbox next to their name, the checkbox would be reset on the next page refresh. The approvers are listed in a...
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