I have a PowerShell script that is pulled from a repo. It accepts the following parameters: param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string...
We updated to Bamboo 10.2 this weekend and because our OS is configured to be FIPS compliant, Bamboo cannot establish repository ssh key connections with our Bitbucket DC 9.4 installation. It a...
Hello, we plan a move to a new Datacenter and need for the firewall rules a list of all outgoing connections from Bamboo. Since the normal atlassian ones are no problem, we have several (over 200x)...
I have a Bamboo instance using the expiry option: Build and release artifacts. I also need builds results to be deleted in order to take an XML backup of Bamboo. It takes ages with the current...
I would like to migrate a single Bamboo project / plans to another instance of Bamboo. The destination Bamboo instance already has projects/plans so I do not want to overwrite any of the existing pro...
Hi Our Bamboo Maintenance expired beginning of this year currently we are useing version 9.3.x But which is the latest supported version for us? How to find this information? &nb...
On the initial page for a plan it says "master" as the branch and has a pull-down to choose a different branch. We are never going to use master again. How do we get some other branch to be sh...
I have a customer build using the base image for the bamboo remote agent, in docker hub https://hub.docker.com/r/atlassian/bamboo-agent-base/tags?page=3&page_size=&name=&ordering= ...
Hi folks. I've had a recent security update within my company causing havoc with my existing (old/ancient Bamboo 5.10 CI system). The security change has been to set the Domain Controller : LDAP se...
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