Hello, So far I have used authentication using the JIRA class instance and everything has worked so far. jiraOptions = {'server': "https://example.atlassian.net"} jira = JIRA(options=j...
Hello. we're a small businessI don't want to pay the huge overhead of having Atlassian Guard, all I want it to force people to use only Microsoft login, and block all other authentication...
...se `-u charlie:charlie` (name and password - basic authentication). Well, basic authentication is fine, but how should authentication work with my <instance>.atlassian.net ? Can not f...
Hi team, I'm trying to set-up two-step verification using the Microsoft Authenticator app. After scanning the QR, I'm asked to enter the 6-digit code that is displayed, but this code is alw...
...g ssh -v git@bitbucket.org shows debug1: Offering public key: and debug1: Server accepts key: lines indicated key auth succeeded. I can also push to one of my repos. Also when I...
I am using Confluence to manage manuals, release notes, and other project-related documentation. Currently, Confluence is installed on a local machine, and users access it directly. I would like to ...
We have both Confluence and Jira cloud each of which has Public / Anonymous access enabled (with IP whitelisting). This works well for those users that simply need read-only access to C...
Using the Trello app for Mac 2.15.2-733 We use a Microsoft SSO for all Atlassian products, combined with CBA https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/authentication/concept-certificate-b...
...hat uses bearer authentication using Personal Access Tokens (PATs). The Jira version in use currently is 9.4.27. I was asked to somehow change this, but I couldn't find a solution! W...
...ot want to set this up as a portal-only customers type SSO project as I want users to be able to be pre-provisioned. (Otherwise I would just make the JSM instance public and let all users create a...
Issue Description: Login Failure: Unable to log in using both Email ID and Microsoft SSO. Error Message: "Account already exists" appears during login attempts. Sign-Up Attempt: Trying to create ...
Hi ! a user, mistakenly requested double authentication but he deleted everything he received (recovery code and key). He can no longer connect and I, as admin, can't do anything. I tried d...
We are considering purchasing Atlassian Products for our "X" client. I believe there are two versions of Atlassian products mentioned below: Cloud Data Centre (Self managed and hosted) All our u...
...ame="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/include/css/modern/framework.css?q=1701457932" /> <script type="text/j...
Hello, I am currently working on a simple Jira Api Class to use for coming API-Calls. All I currently want is to create a module I can use to authenticate, check authentication...
Hi, I'm new here. Does anyone have a working C# example of how to authenticate & retrieve data about a space using rest api ? Thanks
Regardless of if I am using client libraries, or Postman, or other... I *can* see projects in both my corporate and personal accounts with basic authentication and a PAT... BUT NOT with&n...
...hen I do a web request I'm getting a 401 error regardless of whether I'm using a bearer or basic authentication method. I know that I have access to this Epic and its Stories. This is my request. &n...
The support team doesn't reply the question. I have the login but when appears the auth screen (2FA), I can't access anymore, because I deleted from my smartphone.
...The public key is stored in default location Users\[MyUserName]\.ssh\id_icdsa.pub I most likely copied it to my raspberry Pi computers because the key-based authentication works when connecting t...
Hi everyone, My question would be if I can enforce SSO to Contributors (without an Access Licence and without product access). Because in my case I have about 5000 users with p...
I'm trying to integrate trelloapi with asp.net app, I followed the instruction mentioned in the following link Authorization and I got my access token successfully using this url (https://trello...
...ny one provide the suitable library for authentication. https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/oauth-consumer-examples/
Hi, I want to lookup some issues through the graphql API and managed to put together the components in GraphQL explorer. Now trying this in a node app, I get the error: Invalid JQL: Field 'type' d...
...ccess. Is it possible to have it directly from the Atlassian access or do we need to use third party plugin ? If so how secure can 3rd party plugins be for authentication, because we don't know the v...
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