Hello Experts!! I created a confluence database which is integrated with JIRA. I have assignee and estimate columns. I need to create a view which is aggregate of estimates by an a...
Using Confluence 7.19.6 I am building a dashboard page to combine Jira metrics for completed, incomplete and changed stories from multiple engagement teams. Each team creates a page usin...
Hi! I've been given a task to make a dasboard in Confluence for sales analytics. But this dashboard must visualize data not from Atlassian products but from somewhere else, for example - Excel file. ...
Confluence Cloud I have 3 Confluence "sprint performance" tables with data pasted from Jira for sprint stories that are complete, incomplete, or removed, respectively. These are for multiple e...
I have a table of cars where each row represents a separate car and one of the columns will have a date in it to represent when the car is ready. I would like a bar chart to show how many cars ...
Hello All, I have a confluence page, which displays tables of issues form jira. The Jira chart is used to access jira with a jql, and nested in a table transformer. There is a datepicker , which u...
I currently have a few similar filters where I use aggregate expressions. The queries for the are the same except the label E.g.: I'd like to move to a setup where I have 1 query, and I get a...
BACKGROUND: We use confluence workflow to support a review process. Users click a button which creates a request page from a template; they update the page title with the name of the item...
Hi, I need to sum columns from several different tables. I have used Table Excerpt and Table Excerpt include already to transfer two of the tables to the page on which I need the final table. Curren...
I have one table (by Excerpt Include macro) inside a Table Transformer macro with following columns DeptId, ManagerId, EmployeeId, Salary I want to show total salary by DeptId and ManagerId But I...
My table transformer is giving me the below output, Key Objective Epic Team/s Fix Version/s ABC-1 Objective 1 Epic 1 Sharky Spark ABC-1 Objective 1 Epic 2 ...
Hello - On a project I am working on, in the Search for Issues section, I am using an aggregateExpression to subtract to custom number fields that I have. The expression looks like this: aggregate...
eazyBI logic has me stuck. I can create a calculated member of all the tickets I want in total with this: Aggregate( { [Status].[In Progress], [Status].[Ready for R...
How can I use JQL to find all epics which have Total Story Points greater than 100 using Scriptrunner issueFunction aggregateExpression with storyPoints.sum(). We are using a Data Center v...
I am trying to indicate issues for which a child has a Due Date later than its parent. This is what I tried doing: 1) Added a 'Parent Date' column: PARENT{DueDate}. This seems to work as expect...
...print 1". I see how to use an aggregation function to do this for all the issues, but can't figure out if there is a way to aggregate based on a conditional statement.
...n aggregateExpression("Total Story Points", "customfield_1.sum()", QA, "customfield_2.sum()", DEV, "customfield_()-customfield_2.sum()") OR sprint in openSprints() AND labels is empty AND i...
HI, I am creating few charts (Pie) using the pivot tables and getting the prefix like "Count" and "Sum". Unable to find a way to have column labels displayed without such prefixed in chart. Please...
...ave so many clients as a PM I need to holistically see ALL projects/work we have going on in a master calendar. Is there a Power-Up that would aggregate all the board calendars to a master?&n...
How do I create a PIE chart using the status macro in a column. For example, if I have a chart of all my projects listed and one of the column called "RED/YELLOW/Green" where I use...
Hi I use a lot scriptrunner jql function with aggregateexpression to sum estimates and time spent on the returned list of issues. What I am trying to do now is to filter only parent issues, but s...
Hi...I have a selection list custom field where the values represent numbers (1,2,3,4,5)....is there a way I can use a JQL like this :....issueFunction in aggregateExpression("Total","customfield.sum...
I've just started using the aggregateExpression() function from ScriptRunner. Is there any way to get the aggregate result onto a dashboard or a Confluence page.
...rill down to individual issues, and display the Amount field for each issue, but I'm struggling with how to calculate the aggregated sum at the Epic level. What's the formula I would use for that?&n...
Hi there, we tried to aggregate some numbers via aggregateExpression, but the result is a bit creapy: image2016-6-16 11:35:38.png2016-06-16 11_32_09-Issue Navigator - JIRA 4 BIZ.jpg As you can s...
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