Greetings, We have encountered an issue with the Time to SLA plugin in JIRA where there is a discrepancy between what is displayed in the UI and what is shown in the dedicated reporting of this plug...
I am looking for a way to prevent the accidental closure of a sprint before its scheduled end date in our Jira setup. In our Jira instance, admin access to the team board is granted to specific ...
I have created Time to SLA - Detail report with SLA columns and issue columns selected for the report. Post generating the report which is correctly showing on screen when I export the report SLA col...
Hi there, We would like to store SLA remaining time and SLA indicator as custom field for JIRA cloud. Will this available for cloud version soon? Thanks!
I would like to use Time to SLA plug-in fields in custom report, how can I use it?
So the problem is as follows: This works - issue in tts.issuesWithExceededIndicator('SLA name') and project in (Project1, Project2, Project3, Project4, Project5) AND issuetype in (IssueType1, IssueT...
The SLA panel is showing as expected on tickets, but the SLA panel for the linked ticket is not showing. The linked ticket information is showing in the SLA panel, but the actual SLA information for...
We have a requirement to reset an SLA at certain conditions so we subscribed into Time to SLA by Appfire cause they provide the functionality we need. We've been running this for months no...
We are currently evaluating Time to SLA. As per their documentation, there should be a tab for Customer Portal SLA: Customer Portal SLAs - Time to SLA for Jira Cloud ( For some r...
We recently upgraded our Time to SLA plugin and ever since all of our project queues have vanished, even for some projects where we don't use it. Disabling the app causes them to re-appear so c...
Using the Time to SLA plugin we would like to send notifications to external e-mail addresses. We have a custom field in each ticket where that is defined but when setting up the SLA notifier I...
JIRA : 8.13.0 (server) TTS : 10.2.1 Is it possible to pause a SLA when issue is moved (in the same project) from issue type A to issue type B ? Issue types A and B have the same workflow. Compleme...
in 9.3.0 version, when i notify by email, AO_C5D949_TTS_NOTIF_LOG.RECIPIENTS has emails,But In 10.0.1 Version, the field is empty, why?
I have installed Time to SLA plugin in Jira and I have configured all.But calendar is not showing. I wanted to know where do i find Time to SLA Calender. Reply me as soon as posible,Its urgent req...
Hello. As my question says, is it possible to edit gadgets on this page in the documentation? I have read the documentation forward and back, and it does not look like it. This is the first...
Hi I defined SLa for a software project but dont pause it at the beginning of the definition !!!! After creation some issues, I configure Pause for Sla. This SLA for issues that have been created be...
Hi I defined SLa for a software project but dont pause it at the beginning of the definition !!!! After creation some issues, I configure Pause for Sla. This SLA for issues that have been created be...
Is there an ability currently for the sub-task issue to inherit the SLA values from the parent issue? This is for the Time to SLA app from Snapbytes.
Is it possible to create a custom field and every time the page is reloaded (F5), does this custom field display the current value of the time that the SLA is running (in seconds)? I know that by qu...
Hello, We are interested in your addon ‘Time to SLA’ for JIRA, and my manager is trying your trial before we buy. We are running into issues getting some irregular SLA calendars up and running, and ...
Hi all, I have several SLA's for time to resolution. I want to create a report that shows the percentage of issues that succeeded on the SLA. We want to use eazyBI for this, but I am not able to cap...
Hello, Seeing all SLA data in SLA Panel section should be restricted in Time to SLA Plugin. Is there a way to achieve this?
We have a project that shares workflows with all issue types, but we don't want the SLA to apply to some issue types sharing the workflow. Is there a way to toggle this, or does the workflow need to ...
Hi, We would like to have this SLA tracking and reporting for JIRA cloud. Will this available for cloud version soon?
I'm trying to create a filter using the tts.issuesWithRemainingTimeLessThan JQL function, but it doesn't seem to be working. My search is: project = "Engineering Escalations Queue" AND issue i...
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