The text on the orange warning banners don't meet Section 508 compliance. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act is a set of user interface rules to accommodate individuals with disabilities, and gov...
hi folks, I would like to ask you, if you know a solution for this problem: At the moment you navigate to a read-only view of the new ticket when ever you create a new ticket via the service desk c...
Hi All, I want to change the width of the request page. To do this I need to modify the CSS file. So where is the following file present? http://jsdsrv..../s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427...
Hi, we're evaluating Jira Service Desk and want to customize the portal UI. At this point we've found this Addon Refined Theme for Jira Service Desk. But there is no possibility to show all i...
Good morning All, I'm trying to see if anyone has attempted to customize the portal form for service desk into a more structured view. We have a standard form on our current help request system and ...
Hello , After making some changes to refined theme, customer is not able to see the issue ID/Key beside issue summary. I could not find any configuration where we can disable /ena...
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