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Set up of Jira to allow high level and granular outcome tracking

Phey Rasulian
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January 9, 2024

Hi, I am working in the Product Development team and I want to set up Jira so I can track the outcomes of product delivery but also link them to the more granular components within IT.  Can you suggest a structure?

We have a product team that will define the roadmap and the ultimate outcome but have multiple sub-outcomes that need to be tracked and owned by other teams but will feed up to the main product outcome.  We will need reporting at all levels too.


Any suggestions help gratefully received.

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David Bakkers
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January 15, 2024

Can you suggest a structure?

Hello @Phey Rasulian 

That's an incredibly abstract question with hundreds of possible answers based on the requirements you have described. For example, phrases such as "link them to more granular components of IT" can be taken to mean almost anything. Suffice to say that thousands of Product Development teams of all sizes all around the world have been using Jira to manage their product delivery processes for decades, because that's exactly what Jira is designed for.

Perhaps you are best to get Jira and trial it for yourself. Read through the documentation on all the different ways it can be configured and all the ways it can be 'linked' to IT 'components'. Then sit down with your team and ask THEM how they prefer to work and configure Jira to match their requirements.

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