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Join Boston's Atlassian Community for an Unforgettable Virtual Apptoberfest!

Hello Boston Atlassian Enthusiasts,

The wait is almost over! Our 3rd Annual Apptoberfest Appy Hour & App Crawl is happening next week, and you won't want to miss it. Hosted by Boston ACE, this virtual event brings together local experts, industry vendors, and even a headlining speaker from Atlassian—Neil Mansilla.

Why You Should Attend

  1. Learn Directly from Atlassian: Neil Mansilla, Developer Advocate at Atlassian, will dive into Forge, the platform that powers your favorite cloud add-ons.

  2. Meet Marketplace Vendors: Live demos from key vendors like Caelor, Seibert Media, and Tempo will show you how to get more out of your Atlassian products.

  3. Win Big: We’re giving away $50 Amazon gift cards and exclusive Atlassian SWAG store codes!

  4. Local Networking: Though the event is virtual, it’s a great way to connect with local professionals and foster a vibrant Atlassian community in the Boston and New England area.

Event Details

If you haven't already, consider joining our dedicated Boston ACE Slack channel for real-time updates, networking opportunities, and exclusive offers.

Don't miss this chance to enrich your Atlassian experience and network with local pros. Mark your calendar, RSVP, and we'll see you virtually next week!

Boston ACE Apptoberfest 2023.png



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