The "Industry Standard" in Insights: What are they & Where do they come from

Angelica May 7, 2024


Our team are new to Analytics. We found that the Insights kept mentioning the "industry standard" for the metrics. Does anyone have any idea what are the figures and where do the data come from? Is there any way we can obtain the complete list of the industry standard used by Insights?


We really appreciate your help.



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Tracy Chow
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 10, 2024

Hi Angelica,

Thanks for calling this out.

Our model uses a variety of information to generate chart insights, so unfortunately we can't pinpoint the exact standard being referenced here. We'll be making adjustments to avoid ambiguous language like this in the future.


Angelica May 13, 2024

Hi Tracy,

Thank you for the clarification provided.

In the case of multiple standards utilized by chart insights, could you kindly specify them so that we may cross-reference with our data? Additionally, you mentioned the prospect of future adjustments. Could you please provide a ticket or an estimated rollout date for this change?

Best Regards,

Tracy Chow
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 14, 2024

Hi Angelica,

Due to how the model generates chart insights, we cannot provide the exact standards referenced. 

You can follow this ticket for updates on when this change is rolled out: I don't have an estimated date right now, but I will ask the engineering team to update the ticket with the appropriate status.


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