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Missed the Unleash event in San Francisco on Friday? Here's what happened!

Christa Parrish
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 30, 2024

Last Friday, January 26, 2024, the Atlassian office in San Francisco was the proud venue of the SF Bay Area Community Unleash event 🎉


We were excited to welcome, feed, and inspire around 50 attendees from around California with a jam-packed agenda, including:

🎤 Panel with Morgan Folsom (Tempo), Andrew Zigler (Mattermost), Dave Theodore (Praecipio), and Girish Reddy (Onward)


💪🏽 Session with Neil Mansilla, Atlassian Developer Advocate: Super-charging Agile & DevOps workflows with Forge 

➡️ Start exploring Forge here ⬅️

💰Session with Philip Braddock, Atlassian Portfolio Management Lead: Atlassian Ventures

➡️ Learn more about Atlassian Ventures here ⬅️

😎 Session with Patrick Brady, Atlassian Senior Software Engineer: Build the ultimate developer experience with Compass 


🎁 Raffle with prizes (including a branded ukele!) generously donated by Adaptavist, HYCU, Inc., REVYZ, and ServiceRocket.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event and to our Community Leaders @Matt Doar and @Nirmani Kalakheti for bringing the event to life! @Vish Reddy _Revyz_ was behind the scenes too.


Want to join our next SF Bay Area event? Check out our upcoming events here 👀

We can't wait to see you!



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